Steintec tuffbed 2-pack Type 35 Permeable Bedding Mortar

  • Steintec tuffbed 2-pack Type 35 Permeable Bedding Mortar
£17.96 + Vat


tuffbed 2-pack is a two-part product. The dry powder binder is packed in 25 kg bags and the aggregate packed
separately in 25 kg bags as a, 2-6 mm graded, angular crushed igneous rock (tuffgrit). Binder and aggregate
bags are delivered to site on separate pallets. The mixing, see below. is done by the laying team at the ratio
of 4x 25kg bags of aggregate to 1x 25 kg bag of binder. Before commencing work, it is advisable to check that
there are 4no. bags of aggregate to every 1no. bag of binder.


Avoid mixing more than will be used within 30 minutes at an ambient 20°C.
Full batches using a large forced action mixer or large 5/3½ diesel freefall mixer
Each mix (125 kg) will require 4 x 25 kg bags of tuffgrit aggregate to 1x 25 kg bag of tuffbed 2-pack binder and
7 litres of water. To ensure consistency of a 125 kg batch, the bedding mortar should ideally be mixed using a
forced action mixer in the following sequence;

• Initially add four 25 kg bags of tuffgrit aggregate to the mixer. Do not add any water at this stage.

• Then add 1x 25 kg bag of tuffbed 2-pack binder. Do not add any water at this stage.
Mix until the tuffgrit aggregate is evenly coated with the tuffbed 2-pack binder. This typically takes around
30 seconds to 1 minute.

• Once the aggregate is evenly coated with binder, slowly add 7 litres of water.

• The minimum volume of water for each 125 kg mix is 7 litres. In dry and hot conditions, compensate when necessary by adding a small amount of additional water.

• After approx. 4 minutes of mixing the final consistency of the mix should be such that tuffbed 2-pack can
retain the form of a ‘snowball’ in the hand.


For more information please view our data sheets below

Technical Data Sheet | Method Statement 

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